Dwarf Pencilfish come all the way from the Amazon basin, where they live in streams that flow into the Rio Negro. Some also come from Guyana and Suriname. More facts about dwarf pencilfish you’ll know as you read on these fish facts for kids.


The Dwarf Pencilfish is not the most sociable of fish – you may want to be careful about who they share tank with.


These aquarium fish are generally peaceful, but should not share a tank with fish that appear to pose a threat. This will evoke aggression. They can co exist very well with Rasbora, small Catfish and Loaches and Dwarf Cichlids.


Simply put, the Dwarf Pencilfish is beautiful. They tend to remain at the top of the aquarium.


Fish Facts: How to keep Dwarf Pencilfish


  1. Always keep six or more, and balance the number of males to females.
  2. Try to have the in a quiet place.
  3. Do have plenty of foliage since they like to browse plant leaves.
  4. They can eat foods like flake, frozen daphnia, bloodworms or wingless fruit flies.
  5. They can grow up to 1.4 inches.
  6. A 10 gallon tank should be the minimum.
  7. Try to have soft water in the gallon.

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