The Tiger barb, also called the Sumatra barb, Partbelt barb and Tirger, is originally from Sumatra and therefore was once called the Sumatranus. Below are more facts about tiger barbs that you should know before getting one as pet.
It has always been a popular fish. They breed easily, although they can become unfriendly towards their cohabitants. This aquarium fish is good for beginners.
This type of barb is the largest of the ‘branded barbs’ which include the Longfin Tiger Barb, Albino Tiger Barb and the Green (‘moss’) Tiger Barb. This barb has a bright yellow to red body with four black stripes.
The colors of the adults tend to fade, but a school of these jovial and striking fish in an aquarium make for a refreshing sight. They are social fish, have a social hierarchy and are best in a school of six to seven fish. They are increasingly aggressive when alone or in a small group, which is characterized by biting the fins of slower fish. When in a school of their own species, they don’t seem to bother other fish.
When kept as pet, the aquarium should have a fine gravel bottom with plants against the sides. They are susceptible to itch and are not endangered.
Tiger Barb Trivia
Bleeker described this fish in 1855. Their natural habitats are Indonesia, Sumatra and Borneo. Many are bred in captivity. They are not threatened. When mating they have a bright red snout and can grow up to 3 inches (7 cm) long.
Tiger Barbs are omnivorous. They should be given high quality flakes, and brine shrimp or blood worms as treats.
Tags: aquarium fish, facts about tiger barbs, tiger barb, Tiger Barb Trivia