Pike is a large-sized freshwater fish. It is known to be native in North America and Eurasia. Pike is also said to be the oldest species of fish on earth, known to have been existed on earth since 65 million years ago. Increase you knowledge about this freshwater fish through this interesting fish facts. Listed below are several facts about pike.

Common Facts about Pikes

Characteristics: Pikes are characterized by their strong, powerful jaw, pointed head, elongated body and sharp teeth used for catching preys. They usually come in blue, grey, black and white colors.

Habitat: Pikes are freshwater-dwelling fish. They are found inhabiting in slow-running freshwater such as large streams, rivers and lakes across Canada, Europe, North America, and western part of Asia.

Diet: Pikes are generally carnivorous in nature, despite of the fact that young pikes feed on plants. They primarily feed on insects, smaller species of fish, snails, frogs and toads.

Lifespan: Since pikes are generally large-sized, they have few numbers of predators. Due to this, their average lifespan ranges from 12 to 15 years.

More Facts about Pikes for Kids

  • The size of pike determines its sex. It is known that the larger the pike is, the more likely it is female. Male pikes are usually smaller than female pikes, weighing only 10 lbs or more.
  • The size of pike ranges from 20 inches to 71 inches.
  • A full grown female pike can lay around 200,000 eggs. They usually lay eggs during spring season for their offspring to have longer time to develop before winter season starts.
  • Due to water pollution and over-fishing, pike population in Europe and North America is affected.

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