The STURGEON (Acipenser brevirostrum) inhabits the main parts of the river and estuaries, in all depths. Adult sturgeons weigh up to an average of 8 pounds and grow up to 36 to 38 inches. The life expectancy of a sturgeon is usually 20 years but specimens have been found to live up to 50 and even 75 years old. It feeds mainly on insects, mollusks and crustaceans.
Sturgeon Description
Sturgeons have a primitive look, with a unique heterocercal tail where the upper part of the tail fin is longer than the lower part. Its body is covered by 5 rows of hard, bony scales. They have a tube-like mouth that can be found under the bony, elongated snout. The mouth protrudes several inches while the fish feeds on the bottom of the river. Their color is from gray-olive to brown on the top part and white on the underbelly.
Tags: endangered fish species, Facts about Sturgeon, freshwater fish, Sturgeon, Sturgeon Description, Sturgeon Facts, sturgeon facts for kids