Neon tetras belong to the Family Characidae and genus Paracheirodon, with the scientific name of Paracheirodon inne. These aquarium fish are indigenous to northern South America. The Neon tetra is often the first choice of the beginner aquarist, because they so are popular and are ideal for small community aquariums. Below are more neon tetra facts.
Basic Description of Neon Tetras
Their bodies have a distinct sparkling blue lateral line with a red stripe from the centre of the body to the bottom of the caudal fin. They are pelagic freshwater fish. All tetras have a blunt nose and spindle shaped body. Their colors are dull when they are resting, stressed, ill or have an insufficient diet. They reach a size of 2.2cm or 0.85inches
Tags: aquarium fish, aquarium pet, Basic Description of Neon Tetras, Facts about Neon Tetra, Neon Tetra, neon tetra facts